From time to time, someone who has registered to the Network but failed to cancel before their membership auto-renewed will write us and ask for a refund.
This is problematic because our registration page clearly states — before a person registers — that members can cancel their automatic payments at any time. But if they fail to do that, there are no refunds.
Here is an image from the registration page that you used to register to the Network. Notice the “no refunds” policy is even put in a different color so readers cannot miss it.
In addition, the Start Here page you were sent after registering and which Frank has mentioned in his Monday Network update emails states that all payments automatically renew.
See the image below.
The cancellation instructions are clearly stated on the drop down on the PROFILE menu at the top of the Network. You can read those instructions HERE.
Frank has been sending emails to you every Monday since you registered. In every email, he has written that if you have any questions or requests about the Network, to write to
That of course includes cancellation requests. That email is our “Customer Service” email.
In addition to being included in every email that Frank sends out to Network members on Mondays, this email address is also clearly stated in three places at the very top of the Network menu:
The Support page.
The Start Here page.
The Read This! page (which is marked in bright yellow).
So members can cancel at anytime if they so choose.
Waiting to cancel after the next payment cycle is not something within our control. We expect members to take responsibility for that and we’ve taken every measure to be accessible to cancel memberships immediately when asked.
The Network only requires 2 hours a month to benefit, which anyone can do. So we encourage you to take advantage of your membership and cancel if you don’t want the next payment to renew.
If your annual membership auto-renewed and you don’t wish to use the Network, you can donate your membership to someone on the wait list who cannot afford to register. Just let us know if you’d like to do this. They, of course, would be enormously blessed by your generosity.
The DCLN Team